
Showing posts from May, 2014

05/29 Jython

Log entry for 5/29/2014 Looked into Jython for communication between Python and Java.  Require Python for running computational scripts

Updates so far

Update so far: I am slightly behind schedule with respect to the posts to this blog. I was travelling for a week however i do have updates about the work i did. I normally send them as a status report to my mentor, just got late for posting to the blog. I will post to the blog daily from today. Updates for: May 19th began with writing the architecture for the client end of the Weave Analyst defined stub code for classes May 20th -May25th Travelling for a conference to San diego May 26th Looked into writing parallel scripts in R by exploring packages May27th Continued with the parallel R May28th Continued with parallel R, looked into the 'foreach' and 'doparallel' packages