
Showing posts from 2014

Succeeded with image loading

Updates for the past four days: I explored base64 encoding of strings using Javascript and Java. I wrote code for both using Java on the back end and Javascript for the front end. My ultimate aim was to save a snap shot of a given analysis query as a property in the database and retrieve the snapshots as and when desired to get an idea of what a query looks like. But ultimately part of my package uses Actionscript 3.0 and i ended up doing the string encoding in that. And i store the Base64 string in the database. I dont know if this is the best practice of storing images bur will need to do more research for that. Below is a snapshot of what i achieved. It is a rough prototype and not the final UI.

Continued with image loading

06/12 and 06/13 I continued working on the Image loading feature for the workstation. I have decided storing images in the database using Base64 encoding.  I spent yesterday testing whether it is better to do the image encoding on the client side or the server side. Decided on generating a string on the client side and sending it over to the server.  Today will be testing server return of image and try to finish full fledged output interface development. 

06/11/2014 Image loading

I was not able to dedicate time for image loading yesterday as I had to write a report on something else. Wrote support on the client side for writing image data as a column of the 'query Object'. The query object defines a collection of parameters that define the required analytic and visualization pipeline (AVP). This work is part of developing the output view management panel.  

06/10/2014 JavascriptAPI

Update for 06/09 and 06/10 My Analyst workstation is going to communicate with visualizations that represent the results from computations. I was looking into fixing a bug that draws layers of map geomteries through javascript API.  Continued work with the image storage in MySQL. Not decided yet, but will be using Base64 encoding.  I was not aware of Base64 classes, did some reading to understand it. 

06/06/2014 Storing image data in MySQL

In order to capture an image of the results(generated by the analysis) visualized in Weave, i need to look into ways of storing image data in a MySQL data column. I am looking into different ways of doing so.   Many sources say this is not the right way to do it, except if one is storing small number of thumbnails. Therefore i need to figure a way to do this. Might be working on this for the next two days. (since i have no experience in this before) Continuing minor work on the UI started yesterday on the Output tab. 

06/04/2014 Capturing query output

Angular JS Started Ui development for the 'Output' tab. (The outputs tab will capture a picture and metadata about the queries run by a user in the Analyst station.) Started adding basic functionality

06/03/2014 Python scripts

Continued work on back end server side support for Python scripts Was able to run paramterized python scripts and stored result of script

06/02 Initial Python support completed

Worked over the weekend and finished initial support of python within the analyst station I'm developing. Python scripts can now be run from the Analyst Work Station.  Initial printing to system demonstrated.

05/29 Jython

Log entry for 5/29/2014 Looked into Jython for communication between Python and Java.  Require Python for running computational scripts

Updates so far

Update so far: I am slightly behind schedule with respect to the posts to this blog. I was travelling for a week however i do have updates about the work i did. I normally send them as a status report to my mentor, just got late for posting to the blog. I will post to the blog daily from today. Updates for: May 19th began with writing the architecture for the client end of the Weave Analyst defined stub code for classes May 20th -May25th Travelling for a conference to San diego May 26th Looked into writing parallel scripts in R by exploring packages May27th Continued with the parallel R May28th Continued with parallel R, looked into the 'foreach' and 'doparallel' packages